mulu is the world’s largest network of

users and publishers who curate and share shoppable content for themselves or a cause.

mulu empowers

publishers (and their advertisers) to monetize in the curation era.

via contextual relevancy and cause

here’s how:


make any recommendation instantly shoppable right where they’re mentioned on a page. Several shopping sites have started accepting cryptocurrencies as crypto transactions are safe and fast. Crypto trading can be made more effective with the help of trading bots like bitcoin profit. Check the bitcoin profit betrug blog to find out more about this trading bot.



a sponsorable page for publishers to have mulu directly on their pages, with UGC collections and themed picks. This innovative tool is not only beneficial for publishers in various industries but can also be especially valuable for betting sites. By incorporating muluMini into their platforms, betting sites can provide their users with a dynamic and engaging betting experience. For more information on how betting sites can benefit from muluMini, refer to this article.

Featured partners.register

This is the first example of its kind that I’ve seen. What mulu has done is create a turnkey cause-oriented platform that makes it a lot easier than having to subscribe to and manage a whole range of independent affiliate marketing programs.


It’s a twist on e-commerce that challenges the traditional recommendation systems.

All Things Digital

In great company

We have curated our curators, culminated from the best-of-the-best in entertainment, taste-makers, and causes. Join us and you’ll be in great company with instant street-cred.